Identifying Acne Types and Treatments


An estimated 50 million people suffer from acne every year in the United States, with 85% of those between 12 and 24 having experienced it at some point of their lives.1 The formation of an acne lesion occurs when the skin is oily and begins to shed excessively, clogging the pores and supplying a food source for Propioni­bacterium acnes (P. acnes). This creates inflammation and an immune response. In this article, we will identify the types of acne, discuss complicating factors and present some traditional and cutting-edge treatments for the condition.

Identify the Type

Comedonal, inflammatory and cystic acne are the main categories used to define this condition. Topical treatment for these types of acne are provided below. In addition, lifestyle plays an important role in how you can rebalance and correct acne. See Lifestyle Acne Tips for a list of tips we share with clients dealing with this condition.

Lifestyle Acne Tips

Keep it cool. No hot yoga when dealing with Acne. Yoga is great for keeping the mind and body de-stressed which in turn controls hormonal activity. Hot yoga involves excessive and sweating which can cause more breakouts and irritate an already unbalanced skin.

Probiotics. help to restore some of the unhealthy bacteria (microbiota) that antibiotics can wipe out. We recommend that our clients consult a nutritionist to find the great probiotics formula for their needs.

A healthy diet. encourages eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole foods, and recommend a holistic diet with reishi mushrooms, red clover, peppermint, saw palmetto, black cohosh and green tea. These control the presence of androgens and can reduce the severity of acne

Watch the sugars. Simple sugars in particular are highly inflammatory. Candy, sodas, ice cream, alcohol and white food s are the main culprits. Dairy foods can also exacerbate acne as well as iodides in supplements

Clean tools. We recommend that our male clients sterilize their razors after each use and that our female clients clean their makeup brushes every week.

Good Habits. Make sure clients are removing all makeup at the end of the day with several cleansing steps and plenty of toning. Above all, advise them not to pick. For painful breakouts, we recommend ice 15 minutes, 2 -3 times a day and LED blue light to help reduce severity and scarring.

Clean surfaces. Changing pillow cases at least twice a week helps minimize the effects of indoor pollution. Have clients wipe smartphones, glasses, steering wheels, plane seats and food trays when travelling with an antiseptic wipe to cut down on bacteria exposure.

Hydration. Make your clients hydrate inside and out. Plenty of water keeps the system flushed and healthy. Also, a light topical serum or hydrating lotion will help to re balance the skin. Don’t eliminate moisturizers. The right one will help, not hinder, the healing process.



Disclaimer: The information provided on this blog is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog. The author of this blog is not a medical professional and is not responsible for any actions or outcomes from Toronto Beauty Clinic.